COVID-19 March 17th Update

Dear church family,
“Change and decay in all around I see; O thou who changest not, abide with me.” (Christian Worship #558) What fitting words from the hymn-writer for an ever-changing and life-altering moment. Change is rampant. Change is rapid. Change leaves us uneasy and uncertain. Of this we are confident and in this we find our peace: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 45:10).

In response to the rapid changes that have taken place across our country, our national church body’s Conference of Presidents has provided this encouragement. I invite you to read it as it puts into perspective some of the Biblical principles we want to keep in mind as God’s people during this time.

Last night the Board of Elders and I met. Please remember this is a fluid situation and subject to change. The Board of Elders and I are committed to continuing to evaluate and monitor the situation to make decisions that enable the spiritual needs of God’s people to be served with God’s Word and sacrament, safely and responsibly. We are grateful for your patience, your input, and your encouragement during this time. For the moment, we have decided that we will provide the following:

This service will, Lord-willing, also be conducted via Livestream. Details will be forthcoming to guide you to the link. Please note: for the safety and well-being of others, we encourage those to stay home who

  • …do not feel comfortable attending
  • …who have compromised health
  • …whose age make them more susceptible and vulnerable
  • …anyone and everyone who is feeling ill
No person or family should feel obligated to attend. No person or family should feel guilty if they determine it best to stay home and utilize the Livestream option.

SUNDAY WORSHIP @ 8:30 A.M. & 10:30 A.M.  
Offering two worship opportunities limits the larger number of people gathering together at one time. Between services, we will thoroughly sanitize touchpoints. Regarding attendance, the same encouragements mentioned above apply.
Precautions in place…

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Verbal greetings and head nods
  • Worship Folders will be placed on the round-table for you to pick up. The entire service, including hymns, will be printed in the folder. DO NOT USE THE HYMNALS.
  • Social Distancing when you sit in the sanctuary


  • Kids GROW
  • Sunday Morning Bible Study
  • C3 with PZ
  • Youth Confirmation Class

We live in a digital age and the coronavirus has opened a door to reach people during this time who might not step foot in the building or even be allowed to for a period. While there are logistical and technological details being worked out on this side, there are thoughtful considerations for you, the viewer, as you watch that I wanted to provide.
Viewing from home provides a more personal setting that can offer greater distractions than sitting in church. (I do realize that everyone might eventually have to use this option) There are some steps you can take to make worship an un-distracted, edifying, and encouraging time at Jesus’ feet. Might you consider…

  • Letting the dogs run around outside for a half hour.
  • Turning off the television, Alexa, etc.
  • Turn off your phone. Maybe even, put it in another room.
  • Sit at your kitchen table with your Bible open (we will provide a digital worship folder).
  • Have your child/grandchild sit on your lap (encouraging them to follow along and listen).
If you do view from home, please mark your attendance in the chat box. Our plan is to use YouTube Livestream. This provides two things…
  • Make a comment in the chat box to let each other know you’re there. This is how we can encourage one another while we are apart. We may not see each other face-to-face but are together, digitally, around the Word.
  • An opportunity to maybe ask a question or make a comment!
Will it feel different? Maybe even a bit odd and uncomfortable at first? Yes! Yes! Yes! It is temporary! God knows for how long. However, what a blessing God provides in this digital age to remain connected together at the same time.

During this time, some of our members may decide to stay home. As you participate in the service via livestream you can also make your offering just as if you were in worship by using clicking here.If you choose to give an offering in this way, please remember fees are deducted (as much as 3%) from the amount you give. We offer this information in case you choose to adjust your offering to reflect the actual amount the church will receive after the 3% deduction.

It is my sincere desire to serve you during this time. As mentioned in our meeting last night, “There’s no greater need during a time like this than to hear the promises, comfort, and care of our Savior.” To that end, I plan to set hours each day for anyone who wishes, by appointment, to come for a private devotion and Lord’s Supper.
Monday & Thursday mornings — 10:00 AM-Noon
Monday Evening — 6:00-7:30 PM
If none of these times work for you, I am certainly willing to arrange another time. Please text, call, or email me to set the time.

The rapid changes over the past week have presented challenges to our personal, family, and public activities. The church is not immune either. Where there are challenges, however, there are also blessings! I pray this challenging season provides the possibility for more quality family time… an opportunity to teach our kids/grandkids how to properly react in trying and uncertain times… a refocus on our priorities. More importantly, I pray God use this as a time, more than ever, for his people to make their homes God’s dwelling place. He promises to meet us, strengthen us, encourage us, and equip us for every season in life. Let’s be a people who cherish the one thing needful – his Word of truth, promise, and grace – for such a time as this!

God hold you in his care and keep you in his grace!
Pastor Zahn

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2240 CAROLINA FOREST BLVD / MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29579 / (843) 236-9134