Monthly To-Do List

Below you will find a list of things that need to be accomplished at Amazing Grace throughout the year. Please check the list below and if there is anything that you would be willing to assist with, please reach out to Nick Santangelo at

January: Clean inside and outside windows

February: Lawnmower maintenance, change air filters, wax floors

March: Pressure wash concrete, pressure wash church, clean steeple, walk through parsonage, clean blinds inside church

April: Clean tables and chairs, clean windows inside and out, clean ceiling light covers

May: Change air filters

June: Fire extinguisher check

July: Clean windows inside and out, strip and wax floors

August: Change air filters

September: Pressure wash concrete and church exterior, clean steeple, walk through parsonage

October: Clean windows inside and out, clean ceiling light covers, clean blinds inside church

November: Clean tables and chairs, lawnmower maintenance, change air filters, drain water from irrigation pump, wax floors

December: Pray that we got everything done for the last 11 months.

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2240 CAROLINA FOREST BLVD / MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29579 / (843) 236-9134